Disrupting a niche market with a fun and fearless confidence.
Faced with an overcrowded market, we helped to launch a brand that led with a confident, cheeky smile. A brand that would grow fast, stand-out and become a go-to name whenever anyone mentioned the keto lifestyle. It’s simplicity of character and recognisable strength has made KetoKeto the most talked about keto brand in the UK. Needless to say, we exceeded expectations.

Keto doesn’t need to be so boring.
Overwhelmed with the scientific jargon, we gave consumers a brand that was sincere in its mission, but gracious in delivery. KetoKeto quickly became that sigh of relief for people who were looking for healthier, keto-friendly snacks, without the need to explain themselves for what they were eating. To allow people to let their hair down a little, KetoKeto is all the snacks and treats you might miss when following a keto lifestyle, making each day that little bit easier.

We know from experience how long it can take to list with major retailers, especially in such a narrow, well-defined niche market. We ensured KetoKeto was a digital led brand from the beginning. Their e-commerce website was designed to help convert visitors to customers, to increase the AOV on each order and to ensure customers came back a second or third time. Design, alongside strategy, has seen KetoKeto grow a customer base of over 10,000 in just under 18 months.

A digital experience that converts visitors to brand advocates.
We know from experience how long it can take to list with major retailers, especially in such a narrow, well-defined niche. We ensured KetoKeto was a digital led brand from the beginning. Their e-commerce website was designed to help convert visitors to customers, to increase the AOV on each order and to ensure customers came back a second or third time. Design alongside strategy has seen KetoKeto grow a customer base of over 10,000 in just under 18 months.